Online Application Instructions For Faculty Positions
Visit, select the position you want to apply for and click the link to begin the application process. First, you must create a user name and password. Next, you will be required to enter your First Name and Last Name and E-mail address to select the position for which you are applying. After successfully entering this information, you will be presented with the full application form.
You will not be able to continue until you complete the application form. If you are applying for more than one position, you will need to go back and create a new user name and separate application for each position.
All documents must be in PDF format. Your application is considered complete once you have finished the application form and submitted the required files. If you do not have the tools to create documents in PDF, you can use publicly available tools such or All submitted documents must be under 2 MB. If you have files that are in special formats or are larger than 2 MB, be sure to enter a URL address on the application form indicating where your additional information can be found for review.
While you may complete your application at a later time (by returning to the URL and entering your username and password), remember that your application will not be forwarded to the Search Committee until you have completed and submitted all of the required documents and information.
The required documentation may vary by position. If letters of reference are required, to submit your reference names enter the "Manage References" section of the Recruitment Application. For each reference it will be necessary to provide contact information including an E-mail address. It is YOUR responsibility to contact each of the references and tell them how to submit a reference for you. The process is described on the page where the references are entered. Once a reference has submitted a letter for you, a check mark will appear next to his/her name so that you know the letter has been submitted, but you will NOT be able to review the submitted document.
Again, applications will not be reviewed until they have been completed and all of the required documents have been submitted. Once your application has been completed, the "Application Status" will indicate "Complete and Submitted for Review" and give you the URL for an employment survey that is required by the University of California. The information that you provide in the survey is completely confidential. Please take a moment to complete this survey.
We have provided a method for contacting us regarding your application on the main menu of the Recruitment package entitled "E-mail for Help or Information".
We invite you to click on the "Apply to this Recruitment" link that is listed at the bottom of the faculty position that is of interest to you. If you have already created an account for this recruitment season, please log in at